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Berita Fakultas Teknik UNP

Schedule, Terms, Procedures and Steps for Registration of Prospective Graduation of Padang State University for the 122nd Period of March 20 and 21, 2021, please download the link below: >> 122nd Period Graduation Schedule That's what we're saying. Vice Rector I, Ttd. Dr. Refnaldi, S.Pd, M.Litt. NIP. 19680301 199403 1 003
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Jadwal, Syarat, Tata Cara dan Langkah-langkah Pendaftaran Calon Wisuda Universitas Negeri Padang Periode Ke 122 Tanggal 20 dan 21 Maret 2021, silahkan diunduh pada tautan di bawah ini: >> Jadwal Wisuda Periode ke 122  Demikian kami sampaikan. Wakil Rektor I, TTD. Dr. Refnaldi, S.Pd, M.Litt. NIP. 19680301 199403 1 003
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Kampus Mengajar, part of Kampus Merdeka, calls on students from all study programs and universities in Indonesia to contribute, make changes, while developing themselves. During the pandemic, children in elementary schools, especially in the 3T (Lagging, Outermost, and Leading) areas, experience learning challenges while teachers have to adapt to technology and create. Teaching Campus students will help them turn challenges into expectations. Are you one of those hopefuls? Join the...
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Kampus Mengajar, bagian dari Kampus Merdeka, memanggil mahasiswa dari seluruh program studi dan perguruan tinggi di Indonesia untuk berkontribusi, membuat perubahan, sambil mengembangkan diri. Di masa pandemi, adik-adik di Sekolah Dasar, khususnya di daerah 3T (Tertinggal, Terluar, dan Terdepan), mengalami tantangan belajar sementara para guru harus beradaptasi dengan teknologi dan berkreasi. Mahasiswa Kampus Mengajar akan membantu mereka mengubah tantangan menjadi harapan. Apakah kamu salah satu pembawa harapan itu? Ikuti Peluncuran...
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Padang— today, Monday (2/8/2021) the Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) held a Coordination Meeting and Workshop on the Implementation of PLK Mahasiswa UNP. This activity was attended by rector, vice rector, head of LP3M, Education Office (Disdik), Department of Education and Culture (Disdikbud), Department of Youth Education and Sports (Didikpora) Regency / City province and all high schools. Chairman of LP3M, Prof. Dr.Jamaris, M.Pd said that UNP...
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