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Berita Fakultas Teknik UNP

Download the guide here : GUIDEBOOK PAK UNP-FINAL-Oke 2020_1.pdf
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Download panduan di sini : BUKU Panduan PAK UNP-FINAL-Oke 2020_1.pdf
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PDSS 2021 Charging Guide version 31012021 and Addition of Finalization Cancellation Feature can be downloaded on the LTMPT web in the "Downloads" menu…/h-5-batas-waktu-finalisasi-data-seko...#FT.unp#unp #humasunp
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Panduang Pengisian PDSS 2021 versi 31012021 dan Penambahan Fitur Pembatalan Finalisasi dapat diunduh pada web LTMPT di menu “Unduhan”…/h-5-batas-waktu-finalisasi-data-seko…#FT.unp#unp #humasunp
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Student Creativity Program (PKM) launched by the Directorate General of Higher Education is one of the efforts to grow, accommodate, and realize creative and innovative ideas of students. PKM has an impact on improving student achievement and higher education achievement in the Ministry of Education...
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