
Community Service Center under LP2M is the person in charge of coordinating, monitoring and assessing all community service activities carried out by UNP lecturers. In its implementation, community service activities are supported by funds derived from PNBP and DRPM. The amount of funds and the title of FT UNP community service activities are shown in Figure 1.

The transition of UNP from Saker to BLU requires UNP to budget funds for community service activities. In 2014, UNP budgeted a service fund of 1.391 billion rupiah and continued to rise to reach 5.62 billion rupiah in 2018. The increase in the number of budgets was also followed by an increase in the number of titles of community service activities, namely 133 titles in 2014 and rising to 279 in 2018. Meanwhile, funds for community service activities from DRPM ranged from a low of 98.95 million rupiah in 2017 and the highest in 2015 of 1,491 Miliah rupiah. The amount of service funds obtained from DRPM is still low, due to the increasingly stringent requirements and devotion schemes offered by DRPM. The distribution of community service schemes obtained by FT UNP in 2018 is shown in Figure 2. In 2018, there were 4 schemes of community service activities that were successfully achieved by FT UNP lecturers. The four schemes are Community Partnership Program (PKM), Entrepreneurship Development Program (PPK), Campus Intellectual Product Unit Development Program (PPUPIK), and Mitra Village Development Program (PPDM).

Based on Figure 2, it appears that the total number of community service proposals of the Faculty of Engineering of Padang State University which is funded by DRPM amounts to 11 proposals with a total budget of Rp 670,000,000. This budget is used for pkm 8 proposal scheme with funds of Rp 320,000.00, PPK 1 proposal with funds of Rp 100,000,000, PPUPIK 1 proposal with a Fund of Rp 150,000,000, and PPDM 1 Proposal with a fund of Rp 100,000,000.

The number of PPM UNP proposals funded by DRPM is still low. Based on observations and results of mentoring and monitoring activities obtained information on some of the problems of low proposals received. Among the problems are the low quality of proposals, limited quota of available DRPM funds, and administrative sanctions of negligence in previous activities.

Figure 1. Amount of funds and title of community service FT UNP

For PPM funds derived from PNBP, the involvement of FT UNP lecturers in community service is quite high. In 2016 the number of lecturers involved reached 1037 people. However, in 2017 and 2018, the number of lecturers involved in community service activities decreased by 371 and 300 people. Although the number of lecturer involvement decreased, the number of activities in 2017 and 2018 was quite high. This shows that several lecturers were involved in several activities in the same year. Based on the origin of lecturers according to the department, it appears that the involvement of lecturers in the minutes FIP, FBS, FMIPA, FT and FIS is quite high in sequence 186, 187, 190, 190, and 203 people. Meanwhile, the involvement of lecturers in several departments still needs to be improved. For Post (PPS), since 2017 devotion activities are no longer budgeted in PPS all lecturers directly submit proposals through LP2M. In Figure 3, lecturers are shown involvement in Community Service activities.

Picture 2. DRPM Community Service Fund 2018
Fig. 3. Number of FT lecturers involved in community service activities

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